Beam Campaigns

Some of the campaigns done during my time in Beam

ANZ Summer Of Safety campaign 2022
Wellington OOH Posters for E-Bike Launch
Beam Awareness Campaign in Perth
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ANZ Summer Of Safety campaign 2022

Summer Safety Campaign: Promoting E-Scooter Safety in Australia and New Zealand

As the summer season approaches, we anticipated an increase in the number of e-scooter rentals. We wanted to take the opportunity to remind risers of the importance of adhering to safety precautions.

The campaign's centerpiece is a safety video that will be disseminated through digital media channels to reach a wide audience (In-app notification, Social media and eDMs). The video will be directly shared with all Beam riders in-app and via email. This campaign aims to reinforce six key safety messages that are crucial for promoting a safe e-scooter riding experience during the summer season.

Visual direction
To capture the essence of summer and engage the target audience, the campaign materials will incorporate summer theme using warm colours at a beach setting with the rider illustrations red outfits, to give off some baywatch vibes ;)

These collaterals were shared on social media, in-app notification as well as eDM

Wellington OOH Posters for E-Bike Launch

The objective of the Wellington, NZ Out of Home (OOH) poster campaign is to promote the launch of e-bikes while highlighting safety and key rules differentiating e-bikes from

The campaign aims to effectively communicate the importance of responsible riding behaviour to the target audience.

Design Approach
The design of the OOH posters focuses on illustrating riders engaging in responsible e-bike riding behaviour by showcasing riders adhering to the key rules and emphasising the correct actions. To reflect the diverse population of Wellington, I incorporated a diverse range of people with varying skin tones in the illustrations to create a sense of inclusivity within the campaign visuals.

The safety Illustrations are the main point of focus, with minimal text to make it the message easily understood by the target audience. As such, each poster focuses on 1 key situation / to do action.

Beam Awareness Campaign in Perth

The objective of this campaign was to familiarise people with the specific riding rules and regulations related to e-rideable devices in different states across Australia. The article needs an accompanied infographic to capture attention and educate readers to raise awareness about the rules governing the use of these vehicles. You can access the article by tapping on the following link here.

Design Approach
To enhance the reader's reading experience, I used a storytelling approach that guides the reader so that the information would be easily digestible. The content was split into two sections: the first focuses on general riding rules to follow using on pathway while the second emphasises the importance of adopting considerate behaviours while riding on roads.

The eDM was than recreated as successful A5 leaflet that will be distributed at our Beam Safe Academy (BSA) events. These events provide participants with valuable insights and knowledge regarding e-rideable safety. Additionally, the leaflets will be distributed to local councils and police departments to ensure widespread dissemination of safety information and promote a culture of safety within the community.

Due to the effectiveness of the design, It was recreated for Queensland and Thailand markets.

Design recreated for the Queensland market
Beam Awareness Flyer
Comments from the team