Marketing Materials for new launches

Some of the launch materials for each country

Launch Material for AU and ANZ
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Beam in Australia and New Zealand

We aimed to optimise the launch materials for the Australian and New Zealand markets, ensuring clarity regarding the necessary information for new city launches. The secondary goal for this was to also create materials that could also be used for all other new cities launches around ANZ.

The objective of the launch materials is to effectively communicate information in a clear and concise manner while maintaining consistency. We focused on keeping the design elements prominent and easily identifiable from a distance, ensuring that crucial details like prices are immediately comprehensible to the end user. To prevent overwhelming the user, I collaborated closely with the relevant business development teams to streamline the content for each collateral, including only the most essential information.

These materials serve as vital tools for the business development team during the launch, promoting the vehicles and ultimately contributing to the success of the e-scooter launch in both Australia and New Zealand. Here are some of the items:

A4 Counter Card
A2 Signage and Poster
Promotonal Cards
Version 1 Parking Spot
Version 2 Parking Spot
Version 3 Parking Spot

Parking Spot Decal Upgrade

The existing parking decals were easily overlooked by riders, resulting in confusion and difficulty in locating assigned parking spots. There was a need to enhance the design of the decals to ensure they stand out so that riders can easily return their vehicles to the assigned spots. The design went through various iterations after implementing them and getting feedback from the Marshalls on ground.

V1: This was the original design or the parking zone that i had to redesign

V2: The problem with V1 was that parked scooters were blocking the QR codes due to their small size and position.

To fix this, I made the QR codes in the 4 corners larger and more prominent than the current decals, so that they would be easily scannable even from a distance and from 4 corners. I also orientated the “P” text so that it doesn’t only face one direction.

V3: Feedback after implementing V2 was that the QR code in the centre is redundant because it would always get blocked by parked vehicles. I redesigned the entire decal to only have stickers indicating the four corners of the rectangle making use of the negative space in-between them to indicate the parking space. The main qr code has also been moved out into a separate rectangle. This will help to save cost, as each part of the decal can be replaced independently if it needs to be updated due to wear and tear.


Customised Hangtags for Markets

Hangtags are an essential tool for new markets to educate riders on the steps to get started to use the e-scooter. My design process for new markets and mature markets were a little different as there are different considerations for each.

New market: Japan

I was tasked to create the hangtags for the Japan market with the goal of including a QR code to download the Beam app, how to start a trip, and other essential instructions.

I worked closely with the Japan team and we established early on that as Beam would be something that’s new to the people in Japan, the instructions on the hangtag should have more details on them. The focus should also be on making the instructions clear enough for someone who has never used an e-scooter to feel confident enough to give it a try.

I also opted to use illustrations to make it feel more approachable and to show how easy it’ll be to rent an e-scooter. Emphasis was placed on the key actions - How to get started, Where to scan the QR code and How to return the vehicle

Mature market: Thailand

Thailand was a little special because certain areas that are frequented by foreigners will require the hangtag to also have English instructions alongside Thai ones to cater to both locals and tourists.

I decided to go with icons instead of illustrations due to the limited space and maturity of the market hence the design looks a little different from the Japan hangtag.

Japan focus: Illustrations were used to make it direct and straightforward to understand.
Thailand focus: Focus was placed on listing out the steps
in dual languages.

Quality Assurance Banner for Fleet Technicians

The Fleet Technician Manager in New Zealand wanted to standardise the process for quality assurance checks when vehicles are brought to the warehouse for maintenance. 

I was tasked to create a banner that details the steps to take for the quality assurance checks to ensure efficiency and more detailed checks for the E-bikes and E-scooters.

The goal while designing the visual guide was to simplify the Quality Assurance process for Fleet Technicians by creating a clear and sequential checklist that technicians can easily follow. The visual format enhances comprehension reducing the reliance on technicians' familiarity with the process. This improves consistency and accuracy in the Quality Assurance checks, resulting in the deployment of high-quality E-bikes and E-scooters.

The success and effectiveness of this approach in optimising the workflow of Fleet Technicians prompted its adoption in other markets, such as Turkey, enabling the company to drive standardisation across different locations.